I got this EICO signal generator off one of the swap sites for 10 bucks.
It had a few problems:
Would not power on.
It needed to be recapped, the old paper ones had leaked all over everything.
The band selector switch was frozen solid.
The AC cord was bad enough to replace also. (old style 2 prong non-polarized)
Well what did ya expect for 10 bucks :)
I pulled a handful of old caps out, carefully noting the location of each.
All caps replaced except for the one electrolytic a dual paper cap. I opted to use 2 matching caps tied together at the negative side. Worked just fine.
Cleaned up, recapped, and a new AC cord. (hey it lights up now)
The band switch was a bugger to get going though. After a soaking in dexoit and various other penetrating assailants. I decided to take it apart. A very thin keeper (clip) ring on the shaft was removed and I was able to pull it out. Wax from one of the caps, or old dried lubricant maybe was the culprit. Anyhow it turns freely like it is supposed to now.
I downloaded the manual and prints off the internet to do the alignment. All the bands were pretty much good except one. It looked like someone was playing with it for some reason.
It's good to go now, a little work and a few bucks worth of caps....