Sunday, October 30, 2011

Power supply using a 5U4GB tube

For my Fall / Winter project this year I thought I would build from scratch a 6L6 transmitter and power supply. I'll start with the power supply using a 5U4G tube.

I started out with a slate gray metal chassis, and started laying out component placement.


I used a 10 X 6 chassis, drilled all the holes and checked for screw alignment. You don't want to be drilling after you paint it. ( although I've been there done that) I Dremel tool is great for any slight misalignment, or touching up a hole that is a little too small.


I wanted to try the Hammer Tone paint, so I bought a can of a copper colored paint. Isn't that paint nice!  Installed the grommets for the wires going through from the top.

 I installed the connection block and fuse. The other hole will be for the incoming AC power cord.

Installed the tube socket for the 5U4GB  tube, power switch, and indicator lamp. I'll let the paint cure a few more days before I turn it over and finish installing the smaller components.

A view of the under side. Wiring is a little goofy because I used pieces that I had laying around. Capacitor are 10 MF, 33 MF at 450V and a 10 watt 20K resistor.

All finished, powered on and works fine. The red lamp is a wee bit bright. I my add a small resister to dim it a bit. Output is 338 V DC, and 6.7 V on the terminals.