Saturday, June 30, 2012

Chronulator Clock Customized part 1

Well I decided that the clock was just too plain Jane for my tastes. :)  The look I am going for is old 1950-60's style analog radio gear.  I have a case and chassis for an old Globe 65A transmitter. I'll have to fabricate the front panel to match. The meters I will use are 4 1/5 "  200 DC Amp monsters.

Depending on what meters you use, you will have to figure out which resistors to change out from the originals. Fortunately Keith Brown has this webpage setup and is active in the forums.

This is the case I will use.

A little rusty but it will work fine. Dark wrinkly paint should look good on this case.

Remember this guy? An ID O'matic I built a log time ago, and never found a home for. So now this clock has evolved into a clock and 10 minute ID timer! We will need a power supply now since the original clock is powered by 2 AA batteries. The ID O'matic needs up to 24 V DC to operate. ( 9 Volts works just fine)

I came up with this power supply. A quick trip to the local component store procured the necessary parts.
It will supply up to 12 V DC for the ID O'matic and 3.5 volts for the clock.. There are many schematics out there on the net, or design your own like I did.

I also had to change the 2 "Pots" out to get the little extra adjustment needed for my new meters.
Again Keith Brown to the rescue!

I ended up with 500Ω "Pots".

Success!  Both meters work, there is ample room for initial adjustment and setup.