Thursday, September 22, 2011

Anchors away!

I rearranged the shack. Set up all my older tube equipment that I have restored on the bench. Not at all a bad little collection. My wife said I am a radio hoarder. I showed her a shack that had hundreds of older transmitters and receivers. She asked if that was my dream shack......

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Regulated power supply

You might remember the computer power supply I converted to a DC power supply. Well in a word It sucked...
Always not the right voltage for what I needed. So while watching Ham Nation episode 17  I saw George build one from scratch out of junk box parts. This is just what I wanted. A regulated power supply where I could control the voltage to my exact needs.

Here is a peek at the insides before I stuck everything down. The large heat sink came from the old computer power supply, and since the project box was big I left it intact. Perf board ( I used  point to point construction on the back side to wire it together) Its not very complicated a 4700 µf cap, voltage regulator, full wave bridge rectifier, fuse,  plus a few other small caps.

The power supply came from Radio Shack 12 bucks...

I can control the voltage from 1.25 V DC to 35. V DC . I added an LED and powered it from the AC side of the circuit buffered with a 10KΩ resistor.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

W5SJZ-11 Balloon

Made a contact with Robert / WE5T using my Kenwood HT and arrow antenna with 5 watts. The balloon was at 68199 FT. Pictures are from Google APRS.FI

This is the flight path. The start was at the municipal airport in Hillsboro, Texas. I think the highest recorded altitude was a little over 80, 000 feet.

The last reported packet was at 32,388 feet. Never heard the 10 meter beacon. A fun diversion from a normal Saturday morning.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heathkit HG-10B VFO

I picked up a Heathkit HG-10B VFO. I modified it to use with the Drake 2-NT. The modifications are floating around the internet if you do a search for it. Roy Vickers KF5YU's original instructions are very easy to follow. BEWARE high voltages under the hood!

Just make sure your cables wires match on each end. I used the VFO's wire, and removed the 8 pin plug. Added a male and female Molex type plug. Any four wire type plug will work. Pull the +250VDC and the 6.5VAC from the Drake 2-NT with the other half of the connector.

Tested it out today in a dummy load and it works GREAT! Saving the crystals for the Knight Kit T-60.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Arrisat 1

I caught Arrisat 1 on a nearly overhead pass this last week. I used my trusty Kenwood HT, an arrow antenna, and a small camera with a video record option. (a cell phone with video works also) Go to the Amsat web site put in your location and you can get up to the next 50 passes for your location.

This worked really well. I got an SSTV image, the voice telemetry, and the secret password in one of the 24 different language greetings.

Here is one of the certificates for sending in a report. That's all there is to it , simple easy.