Thursday, September 8, 2011

Heathkit HG-10B VFO

I picked up a Heathkit HG-10B VFO. I modified it to use with the Drake 2-NT. The modifications are floating around the internet if you do a search for it. Roy Vickers KF5YU's original instructions are very easy to follow. BEWARE high voltages under the hood!

Just make sure your cables wires match on each end. I used the VFO's wire, and removed the 8 pin plug. Added a male and female Molex type plug. Any four wire type plug will work. Pull the +250VDC and the 6.5VAC from the Drake 2-NT with the other half of the connector.

Tested it out today in a dummy load and it works GREAT! Saving the crystals for the Knight Kit T-60.