Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dial plates

Had a time finding knobs with dial faces for under e Pay prices. So I thought
about making my own. I got some copper sheet at the hobby store, and then
got some transparency paper to use with my laser printer.

I got the big iron out on high heat, with the copper plate covered with a sheet
of typing paper ironed the heck out of it.

It took a few trial and errors but I figured out how to do it. I cut out the
excess copper sheet and into the etch it went, for 20 minuets. A bit too long
per the instructions but I wanted a distressed look. After it came out of the
etch I rinsed and scrubbed off the printer ink.

Then using a sharpie I colored it in and rubbed it with rubbing alcohol
to thin it out. It outlined the numbers just a little bit. I my go back with
printers ink to make it pop a little more.

While I was at it I made a badge for the chassis.

Well I did decide to black them in. what do you think? Clear coat over the top should seal them nicely.
Not too bad for a first timer eh.....